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Image search results - "Cistern"
Water for Composting386 viewsRain water is used by the OVF volunteer composting crew when building the compost piles using green waste material from the garden. (Photo Credit: Dean Cleverdon)
Waterworks Dedication 3/12/2008438 views (Photo Credit: Dean Cleverdon 3/12/2008)
Blue Cistern (Gate 5 - Phase II)314 viewsThe Blue Water Cistern above Phase II (Gate 5) was our first cistern and was acquired in March 2008.
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern252 viewsTipping the cistern up to remove the water prior to installing a new valve. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern247 viewsDigging a new trench for the cistern water pipe going down to the lower composting area. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern240 viewsCrew almost finished digging the trench. New pipe will help increase gravity flow from cistern to the lower composting area. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern234 viewsThe new water pipe with a larger diameter installed in the trench (looking up Path 5). (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern237 viewsTrench with new cistern water pipe filled in. Now it just needs to be leveled and the path mulched. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Blue Cistern for Rain Harvesting213 viewsIt collects water from the roof of the North Venice Little League storage shed. The working capacity is 1060 gallons of water which is is currently diverted to the Lower Composting Cisterns. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)
Main Shed Cisterns229 viewsTwo large water cisterns were installed by the NE corner of the Main Shed on 2/27/2016. Each tank holds 1000 gallons of water which is piped down to cisterns in the Lower Composting area. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)
Hose Bib - Lower Composting205 viewsWater collected from the Blue Cistern and Main Shed Cisterns in the upper garden are directed to this one point: the Lower Composting Hose Bib. A pump in the Chipper Shed increases water flow. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)
Lower Composting Cisterns222 viewsTwo 305 gallon water cisterns installed on the east side of the Lower Composting sheds on February 27, 2016. Fence in front of the cisterns protects the pipes and shut-off valves from damage. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)
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