October 2017 E-Newsletter
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer,
Chirping robin, budding rose.
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer,
Gentle showers, summer clothes.
Here comes summer,
Here comes summer—
Whoosh—shiver—there it goes.
-Shel Silverstein
Featured Instagram Photo of the Month: The OVF greenhouse fully stocked for the October 7th plant sale
Upcoming Garden Events:
Oct. 7 - Greenhouse Fundraiser - Noon - 1:00 PM Moved from Oct. 14
Oct. 14 - Saturday Workday - 9:00 AM - Noon
Oct. 14 - Potluck Lunch - Noon
Oct. 14 - General Meeting - 1:00 PM
Oct. 29 - Sunday Workday - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Useful info:
- Here are some general tips for gardening in October. October is an amazing time to get your fall garden ready to go. Just keep an eye on the weather report and try not to plant during a heat wave.
- If you missed Christy Welhemi’s Fall Garden Planning presentation, you can at least catch some her helpful tips on her Gardenerd Youtube channel. Here is one on prepping your soil for fall planting.
- Here is another mesmerizing YouTube series following one man’s Southern California garden month to month. Try not to have too much garden envy.
- Here is a full list of seedlings available during the Saturday, October 7th greenhouse fundraiser/ plant sale. Please note the sale has been moved to an earlier date and will be held in the general meeting area to accommodate better crowd flow.
OVF Announcements:
Spiders – the good and the bad
Spiders are a gardener’s friend. They are on your side when it comes to pest control and it’s generally a good idea to let the spiders in your plot do their thing. That said, as the seasons turn and little critters find new homes around the garden, it's also a good time to remind OVF members & associates to look for spiders in places where you might not want them. Always check your mailboxes, gloves and pots before reaching your hands in. If a spider's web, or a spider itself is hanging out in there, just give them a shake. A pot, watering can or cinderblock is a favorite hiding place for black widow spiders. Black widows are famously shy and won't bother you unless they feel threatened. However, it’s a good idea to always be mindful of our youngest generation of gardeners who love to explore all the small spaces where a widow might be hiding.
Food Series at the Santa Monica Public Library – Santa Monica Eats
Fruit and vegetable gardeners tend to have one thing in common, we know good food when we see it! Starting in October, the Santa Monica Public Library will be hosting a free series on food. There are a few offerings that might especially appeal to the OVF audience including: a screening of the documentary SEED: The Untold Story, a presentation on Gardening with California Natives and Edibles and a Fermentation Workshop: Cabbage Two Ways. You can find the complete “menu” of offerings on the Santa Monica Public Library website.
Plastic Pots for the Greenhouse Plants
Please return rinsed 4" pots & six packs to the woodbin outside the Greenhouse; no broken pots or round pots. This helps us run the greenhouse efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. Thanks!
As always: we want to hear from you! Send us an email, reach out on Facebook, or tag us on Instagram @oceanviewfarms.
That’s all for now. Happy gardening!