
Howard Putnam and Frank Harris358 viewsHoward Putnam - City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Senior Park Supervisor presenting award to Frank Harris - President of the Ocean View Farms Board

Howard Putnam presents award to Frank Harris414 viewsHoward Putnam - City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Senior Park Supervisor presents award to Frank Harris - President of the Ocean View Farms Board

Howard Putnam presents award to Frank Harris369 viewsHoward Putnam - City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Senior Park Supervisor presents award to Frank Harris - President of the OVF Board

Frank Harris accepts award from Howard Putnam342 viewsHoward Putnam - City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Senior Park Supervisor presenting award to Frank Harris - President of the Ocean View Farms Board

Tom Ponton338 viewsTom Ponton - Mar Vista Communtiy Council, Chairman

OVF's founders Mim Thayer (left) and George Dodds (right) at Pot Luck324 viewsOVF's founders Mim Thayer (left), the original OVF Chair and George Dodds (right), the original Gardenmaster at Pot Luck

OVF's founder Mim Thayer 328 viewsOVF's founder Mim Thayer, the original OVF Chair

George Dodds346 views

George Dodds334 views

George Dodds326 views

Awards Ceremony355 views

George Dodds at Awards Ceremony324 viewsGeorge Dodds (in green shirt) was the original OVF gardenmaster