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Home > Sustainability



15 files, last one added on Sep 14, 2009
Album viewed 162 times

Composting Programs


80 files, last one added on Sep 28, 2009
Album viewed 1837 times

Rain Harvesting


24 files, last one added on Jul 16, 2016
Album viewed 179 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - Sustainability
Sifted Compost659 viewsRich sifted compost for your garden.
Building the Shred Pile430 viewsAs the pile of green waste builds up it gets watered. Watering the material helps accelerate the composting process.
Main Shed Cisterns229 viewsTwo large water cisterns were installed by the NE corner of the Main Shed on 2/27/2016. Each tank holds 1000 gallons of water which is piped down to cisterns in the Lower Composting area. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)
Gourmet Compost534 viewsFinal product ready for use by gardeners.
Completed Beginning Bay400 viewsDepending on the season and volume of material it takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks to completely fill a Beginning bay. Once a Beginning bay in one row has been filled the crew moves on to the next Beginning bay.
Moving the Green Waste430 viewsMaterial is moved from the green waste pile to the sifting screen by the crew.
Ready Sign423 viewsThe Ready sign indicates which of the three bays is ready for use.
Green Waste onto Sifting Screen438 viewsA long screen is used for sifting and sorting the garden waste.