OVF relies on its members not only to conserve their use of the water, but also to report leaking hose bibs or pipes. Please report these by completing a Plumbing Repair Work Order Form found in the small shed. Indicate the hose location (found on the hose post) on the form and put it in the wire basket above the shelf. If everyone cooperates it will help to lower the water bill, which costs approximately $16,000 per year (2017 ESTIMATED).
Automatic timers are forbidden.
Do not turn the water on in your garden and leave the area. It's easy to walk away and forget that the water is turned on. If you see any water running off and away, turn the water bib OFF.
All the pipes in the garden are made of plastic (PVC) and are not very strong. If your hose gets tangled do not pull on it as you may snap the pipe under the ground. It takes many hours of digging and repair work to fix this type of break. Also, then the water has to be shut off to all garden plots in a row.
Be careful when digging down to weed or to replace your garden walls along paths where the water lines run. Be aware that the main water lines connecting the hoses are located just underground in a direct line from spigot to spigot. These pipes are made of PVC plastic and are extremely brittle and crack easily with a little pressure from a sharp shovel. TAKE CARE when digging along any path between hoses!!