Share your garden's bounty with our neighbors in need.
The ambition of OVF Donates is to donate as much excess produce that garden members wish to share to non-profit organizations in the immediate community as a way to help those in our community who are in need.
By being part of and working together to gather food donations, gardeners' sense of community within the garden will grow. Outreach to those organizations in our cities that provide food to those in need, establishes ties and enables us to help others with whom we live.
Currently, we have established connections with Meals On Wheels West and The Westside Food Bank. As our collections grow, thus can the recipients.
Who Can Participate?
Anyone within OVF is welcomed to participate. Participation is completely voluntary. And please note, your donations do not count toward community credit for OVF work hours.
What to Donate?
Only bring produce that you would give your friends & neighbors. Donations should be as free of dirt and critters as possible.
Collection days for your donations will be every Sunday of each month. Small and large harvests from your garden will be gladly received.
Time: 3 - 5 PM
Location: Gate 4 (Phase II)
Your help is needed! For more information or to help with the collection of donations, please contact the OVF Donates coordinator: Alicia Bacon.