Image search results - "Rain Harvesting, Cisterns, Composting" |

Water for Composting386 viewsRain water is used by the OVF volunteer composting crew when building the compost piles using green waste material from the garden. (Photo Credit: Dean Cleverdon)

Hose Bib - Lower Composting205 viewsWater collected from the Blue Cistern and Main Shed Cisterns in the upper garden are directed to this one point: the Lower Composting Hose Bib. A pump in the Chipper Shed increases water flow. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)

Lower Composting Cisterns222 viewsTwo 305 gallon water cisterns installed on the east side of the Lower Composting sheds on February 27, 2016. Fence in front of the cisterns protects the pipes and shut-off valves from damage. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon)