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Home > Sustainability > Composting Programs

Toro Tractor553 viewsStable waste is moved from the pits to the sorting table using a Toro tractor. That is steam rising from the material.
Toro Tractor552 viewsDumping stable waste onto the sorting table.
Sorting the Stable Waste516 viewsThe crew sorts out trash and foreign objects before pushing the material into the shredder.
Trash in the Stable Waste498 viewsSamples of trash found in the stable waste. Metal and glass are especially dangerous as they can injure the crew and/or damage the equipment.
Gourmet Compost502 viewsShredded material being blown into Gourmet Compost pit.
Mighty Mac Shredder501 viewsAnother view of the business end of the Mighty Mac.
Gourmet Compost530 viewsFinal product ready for use by gardeners.
Sharing Gourmet Compost502 viewsGourmet Compost is also shared with other community organizations, gardens and local schoools. Here volunteers from Community Services Unlimited, Inc. pick up a load (check out their website at www.csuinc.org).
Lower Composting Area429 viewsOcean View Farms composts its garden (green) waste with the exception of noxious weeds. The green waste piles can be seen behind and to the left of the equipment sheds.
Green Waste441 viewsGardeners bring their green waste to the lower composting area.
Woody Green Waste431 viewsWoody, sticky and/or thorny materials are piled on the left-hand side near the black fence.
Leafy Green Waste444 viewsLeafy green waste goes on the right-hand side near the shredder shed.
80 files on 7 page(s) 2