Random files - Sustainability |
Replumbing the Phase II Blue Cistern247 viewsDigging a new trench for the cistern water pipe going down to the lower composting area. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 3/9/2013)
Delivery of Stable Waste598 viewsOVF is provided with approximately 230 tons of stable waste each year by the City. Here the West Los Angeles Sanitation Department makes a new delivery.
Moving the chipper282 viewsUsing the Toro tractor to move the chipper
Compost Available393 viewsWhen the "No" is removed a Ready bay is open for business.
Rain Barrel Installation (June 2015)215 viewsGutters were installed on the roof of the tractor shed. (Photo Credit: Dean Cleverdon (2015))
Chipper & Shredder Sheds285 viewsOcean View Farms lower composting area. The Chipper shed is on the right-hand side.
Chipping the wood290 views
Compost Bays414 viewsThe compost area consists of 3 rows with 4 compost bays in each row.