Random files - Around the Garden |
Hairy Vetch infected with Root-Knot Nematodes272 viewsHealthy roots are on the left, infected roots are on the right. Very hard to get rid of when they have invaded your soil. (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 4/3/2011 (left) & 3/29/2014 (right))
Yummy92 viewsExtra protein on my corn. 6-26-2020. (Photo Credit: Don Feinstein)
Snow Peas and poppy369 viewsA circle of snow peas. (Photo Credit: S. Dworski)
Shroomus Plasterus109 viewsPlaster shroom found in many plots. Definitely inedible. (Photo Credit: Don Feinstein. Phase III A48.)
IP 47116 viewsTranquil. My place to relax. (Photo Credit: Don Feinstein)
Tomato Hornworm431 views (Photo Credit: D. Cleverdon 09-24-2010)
Bearded Iris - Iris germanica - 234 views"Cloud Ballet" Bearded Iris - Iris germanica (Photo Credit: derbeh vance)